7 Web Design Ideas For Architecture And Interior Design Firms
Given Ncube
As an architecture or interior design firm, having a website that showcases your portfolio, services, and expertise is crucial for attracting new clients and establishing your online presence.
In this blog post, we've rounded up 7 of the best architecture website designs to inspire your next website.
These designs showcase stunning visuals, user-friendly interfaces, and effective content strategies that you can adapt to your own website.
1. Make It Simple
Make It Simple’s website is well, simple and clean. It triggers curiosity to scroll down and learn more about them. Their messaging is clear: “They help their clients to realize the full potential of their space.”
2. AvroKO
AvroKO's website starts by hinting that they have been around for a while, which means a lot of experience. They also have testimonials, followed by revolving list of recent projects to increase trust, incase the 20 years of experience is not enough.
3. Area
Area brands themeselves as experts in creating bespoke workplace environments, delivering high-quality, high-performing solutions across Europe. The clean design of the website gives a sneak peak of what they can do for you.
4 Am-Arc
Am-Arc is team of expert architects and designers who create cozy, modern, and minimalist spaces. They apply the same concept of minimalism to their website. They have a great video showing some of their work which makes it interactive and makes the visitor stay a little longer and dig deeper to learn more.
5. Stefanos Vasdekis
Stefanos Vasdekis' website shows their past work as part of the background. Simple clean design which prompts you to scroll down and learn more. Most of all it's clear what they do from above the fold
6. Designgroup Stapleton Elliott
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott is an architectural practice that celebrates diversity and fosters inclusivity. Their website is as simple as they come, Just the messaging and nothing more you can't scroll no nothing
7. Decor Systems
Decor Systems' website captures your attention with large typeface which says exactly what they do.
I hope this list inspires your next great website. But before you make investments be sure to read the 12 mistakes to avoid when building your architecture website.