How To Attract Interior Design Clients Using Your Website (Even If You Tried Everything)
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Finding interior design clients can be quite challenging for freelance designers or someone running their interior design studio. What if clients could come to you instead, without you knocking on strangers’ doors. In this post, I am going to show you how to use content marketing to attract clients.
What is content marketing?
So what is content marketing? In dictionary terms, content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience to drive profitable customer action. The content should be valuable and relevant to your target audience.
When most people hear about content marketing, they think about blogging, but it can also be in the form of videos, e-books, podcasts, emails. However, in this post, we will talk about blogging as a way to get new clients.
The idea is to use content to build trust and relationships with your prospects and position yourself as the authority on the subject.
To do this, provide your prospects with answers they are looking for at the same time showing how you can help them achieve their goals. When they trust you enough, then make an offer they cannot resist.
Step 1: Define your audience
First things first, you need to know who you are talking to. As an interior designer, you should have your own niche market you serve, could be just restaurants, apartments, or anything completely different.
Trust me, your target customer is not "everyone". Having a clear idea of who your target customer is, makes it easier to create content and offers specifically for them, also means less competition. Defining your target audience is actually a bit complicated than that but don't worry, I've wrote an article with a step by step guide to define your target including a template to create your audience personas.
As a starter, ask yourself this: what are my ideal prospects' day-to-day challenges? How can I help achieve their goals?This brings us to the next step.
Step 2: Start with keyword research
Keyword research is the most important part of your content marketing strategy. It will give you a direction on what your audience is looking for. Your content is useless if no one is searching for it.
To get started, put yourself in your defined audience’s shoes. Make an educated guess on what problems they might have and how they might search for a solution on Google. Take that phrase or word plug it into google and after scrolling down you will notice a section that says “People also ask”. These are all ideas your prospects will search for. To make the process easy, use a tool called Answer The Public to help you find content ideas.
Step 3: Educate your audience
Now that you know the type of content your audience is looking for, it’s time to deliver. This is your chance to show your prospects that you know what you are doing and they can trust you to help them.
Provide valuable information your clients can use immediately. Remember, this is not about you or how great your studio is, it’s about them and how you can help them solve the problem they have now.
Your posts can be in the form of “how-to”, or “7 tips to”, depending on the data you got from your keyword research.
By now you should have your content ready. However, that on its own won’t bring anything unless you add a call to action. Your goal is to educate your prospect, and the endgame is to get them to contact you. Whenever you can, add a link to your contact page or Calendly and make sure it’s as relevant as possible. You can add this subtly in your article or put it at the end of the article like the one I will leave for you.
You will not see the results overnight, but when you post consistently, soon your organic traffic will grow steadily. Look at your web analytics and see which articles are performing better than others and focus on the topic that is performing better.
Step 4: Distribute your content
After your content is ready it's time to get it in front of your target audience.
Social media is a great place to build your audience. Use it to distribute your content. Simply sharing a link won’t do you much. What you can do is repurpose your article to fit the social network.
If you decide to post on Instagram, create a summarized carousel of the article and a full link in bio. If it’s Twitter, create a thread and leave a link for full details. You see the idea.
However, traffic from social media is only temporary, just a few days after publishing. Steady traffic will come from organic search and this is where your steady stream of clients will also come from.
As an interior designer, you’re busy taking calls, designing for clients, setting up a website, and consistently posting and tracking articles might be another task for you. Contact us here for a website and content marketing strategy that works.