The Blog
Every now and then, we write about what we're up to, what's on our mind, and what we're learning.

Have You Heard? A Website Is Your Best Bet To Grow An Architecture Firm
That's why it is important to have a website for your business. They will search and when you have a...
By Given Ncube

The Ultimate Guide To Build An Online Presence For Your Business
Starting an online
By Given Ncube

The Untold Secret To Using A Website For Marketing In Less Than 10 Minutes
When we face a problem nowadays, the most natural thing to do is to search our problem on Google sea...
By Given Ncube

How To Authenticate APIs With Laravel Sanctum
* Issues an auth token to the user The way this API works is that your users create accounts from th...
By Given Ncube

How To Create A PSR-11 Service Container In Php
In this article, I'm going to show you how to implement a PSR-11 compliant **dependency injection co...
By Given Ncube

A Guide To Witting Cleaner Code
If statements often cause a problem in your code in terms of readability and the amount of code you...
By Given Ncube

How To Install Vue 3 On Fresh Laravel Installation
Installing Vue 3 on a fresh Laravel installation seems to be a bit of a hustle. Laravel ships with l...
By Given Ncube

A Step By Step Guide To Deploy Laravel On Shared Hosting (that Actually Works)
To deploy Laravel in your shared hosting you simply need to clone your git repo in your hosting acco...
By Given Ncube

How To Increase Your Website Speed By Optimizing Images
In this post, I'm going to show you how you can optimize your images and hopefully make your site lo...
By Given Ncube

How To Install PHP 8 From Source On Debian
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf re2c bison. This may not be everything we are going to...
By Given Ncube

How To Learn A Framework The Right Way
I'm going to share with you some tips to learn and understand a framework. This might seem obvious b...
By Given Ncube

How To Get Real Time App Crashes From Your Laravel App
Now modify the `via` method to send the notification via Telegram If you now have your bot API key,...
By Given Ncube

Affordable Web Hosting Companies In Zimbabwe
I’ve looked around and found these web hosting companies offering the best plans. They’re plans are...
By Given Ncube

How To Perfom Social Login With Laravel Socialite
Let's see Socialite in action by implementing login with Twitter. To do this we need a couple of GET...
By Given Ncube

What Is Value Proposition And Why Should You Care As A Business Owner
Your value proposition is a promised outcome of what your customer can attain once they use your pro...